
What is the Gospel?

The story of the Bible may seem complicated, but it is actually simple enough for everyone to understand. And God wants everyone in the world to understand it and believe it so we can be a part of his big family. 

The story starts, like all good stories, at the beginning. The Bible starts by telling us that God made the world and everything in it. 

And of course, when he created the world, he also created people. The first two people that he made were named Adam and Eve. They had a perfect relationship with God, walking and talking with him every day in the home he had made for them. But he gave them one rule: do not eat the fruit that grew on a specific tree. They could eat anything else-just not that one.

Unfortunately, they were tricked into eating the fruit from that specific tree by Satan. And from that moment on, their perfect relationship with God was broken. They had committed a sin. A sin is anytime we break God’s rules.

And everyone person who has ever lived since Adam and Eve, including you and me, has sinned against God. We have broken God’s rules.

But here we come to the good news. Even though our sin breaks our relationship with God, he made a plan to fix that relationship. His plan was to send his son, Jesus, into the world. Jesus was the only person who was ever born in this world to live without sinning, without breaking any of God’s rules.

People hated Jesus, so they murdered him. But this was all part of God’s plan. God punished Jesus for all of our sin, even though Jesus had not done any sins of his own. So now God doesn’t have to punish our sin because he punished Jesus instead of us.

Why would he do that? Why would Jesus let God punish him when he had done nothing wrong? It’s because he loves us so, so much! We can be a part of God’s family now. All we have to do is believe this story is true and put our trust in God. We call this story the Gospel, because “gospel” means good news.

If you want to be a part of God’s family and want to ask questions or ask us to pray with you, please contact us!