
What is Special Friends?

Special Friends is a ministry that specifically reaches out with the Gospel to people with special needs. Special Friends has two main goals: (1) to teach the Gospel in a way that everyone can understand it and (2) to welcome people with disabilities into the fellowship of the church. We work with several of the local churches in Kodiak to accomplish these two goals. 

Special Friends Youth Group meets every Tuesday night at Berean Baptist Church. This youth group is for anyone that has any kind of special needs that make it challenging for them to attend traditional youth groups. We eat dinner together, play games, teach Bible stories, and break up into small groups to build meaningful relationships and ask questions about the Bibles story.

Who: students with special needs from 6th grade-22 years old.

Where: Berean Baptist Church (1216 Ismailov Street)

When: every Tuesday night from 6:30-8:00

For more information about Special Friends Youth Group, contact Annie at [208] 920-0794 or Andy at [907] 942-1992.